Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Links to Angel Mountain's "Other" websites This is our website that relates to our dry pack canning project running on the island of Grenada.

and This is our website that relates to our Kids education project using puppets.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kids Puppet Shows and Project "EARLY"

Training continues and we are having FUN! The first thing most of the puppeteers find out is that it is ALOT OF WORK! Building muscles you never knew you had, and trying to have the puppet say what you are actually trying to say. But the best part of it all is that the children (and of course...not to mention the adults) are mesmerized by the puppets themselves. They listen and are incredibly attentive to what the puppets are speaking about. As we go around the island, look for new pictures of the puppets and their travels!

Puppet Show at the Health Fair

First Fall Health Fair in Grand Anse at the LDS Church

Monday, September 8, 2008

Kids Fest!

Puppet programs

We were able to start our puppet programs and of course you have seen the Kids camp shots...but we also did a show at Kids Fest down in Grand Anse at the Spiceland parking lot. There were LOTS of kids, LOTS of noise, and of coures LOTS of fun with the puppets! Check out the pictures!


Well, we tried to post the short video with the "Kids" show on the blog...but we were not able to (at least not yet) transfer it to an mpeg mode. Once we accomplish this, we will be posting it for your veiwing entertainment.
So...look forward to updates!